Companies & Partners

SUMO GROUP Companies & Partners


SUMO Health & Harmony (SHH) offers a holistic and personalised approach to healthcare products and services. We offer health assessments (medical and non-medical), health plans, nutrition awareness programs and advice. Under the SUMO brand, we are also involved with the production and distribution of health drinks.

  • SumoHealth and Harmony Pty Ltd

“Without Good Health , Life is Struggle


SUMO Wealth companies provide investment products and allied services to our clients. Our products include direct real estate, property development, managed funds, venture capital and private equity.

  • Sumo Fund Management Pty Ltd

“Remove the disturbance of money to truly understand financial freedom

Leisure & Migration

Once financial freedom is gained, our clients can satisfy all of their desires. These include material possessions and adventures, as well as unique experiences. SUMO Platinum hosts. exclusive events and activities involving special guests and exciting forums.

  • Sumo Leadership and Wellness Pty Ltd

“Indulge In Pleasure to Experience the Gratification of Wealth


There can come a point in life when indulgence neutralizes the joy you derive from desires, and one begins to question life's purpose. SUMO Life coaching and open forums help to guide our clients to achieve their life goals and discover meaning in their lives.

  • Sumo Life and Wisdom Pty Ltd

“Find Ultimate Bliss With Philantropy, Philosophy and Contribution

Education and Technology

We believe that education expands your horizons and propels your opportunities in life. We work with a number of top-tier Australian educational institutions to provide you and your family with learning opportunities to advance your progress in life.

  • Sumo Education Services Pty Ltd

“The Only Thing is Constant In Life Is Change


Aside from our Australian bases in Melbourne and Sydney, SUMO Group has overseas offices and hosts in a number of key destinations to assist our clients worldwide and navigate the complexities of cross-border transactions.

  • Sumo Wealth India Ltd
  • Sumo Wealth South Africa Pty Ltd
  • Sumo Wealth Singapore Pty Ltd

“Expand Your Horizons

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