

Partner of Emerging Funds Management Pty Ltd

Rajeev Shirodkar

Rajeev Shirodkar is a partner of Emerging Funds Management Pty Ltd. Rajeev is a respected business professional within the accounting and finance industry in Australia and India. Rajeev’s background is in the specialties of finance, accounting, operational planning, international and domestic business development, strategic alliances, business growth and venture capital raising.
Rajeev commenced his career with Westpac Bank, working with them for 6 years, then moving into audit of banking and finance with Ernst and Young. Rajeev’s services thereafter were engaged by Green and Gold IT for a period of 7 years, until the business was sold to a larger enterprise. Rajeev and his company Green and Gold Finance have organized loans from $10,000 to $100 million to various customers over the last 10 years. He has over 1000 customers and a growing book. His outsourced CFO services have helped many organizations, for example Oleum Energy, which has grown from $5 million to $95 million revenue with his assistance.

Partner and a Director of Emerging Funds Management Pty Ltd.

Dr Roger Buckeridge

Dr Roger Buckeridge is Partner and a Director of Emerging Funds Management Pty Ltd. Roger has been a leading unlisted equity funds manager in the Asia Pacific region for 38 years and has been a partner & director and Responsible Manager under various Australian Financial Services Licences since 2004. One of these fund managers and responsible entities invested $280 million of institutional venture capital funds in some 60 early-stage technology-based businesses, between 1997 and 2013. During his career as an investment fund manager, Roger has served on listed company boards (ASX and TSX) and provided extensive consulting services to enterprises and government. Earlier, he served 6 years as a management consultant at McKinsey & Company, in the US, Asia and Australia. He holds a PhD degree in Chemistry.
In addition to EFM, Roger currently serves as a director of Aurora Solar Technologies Inc (ACU: TSX-V, at North Vancouver, Canada) and its subsidiary BT Imaging Pty Ltd (at Sydney, NSW and Jiaxing, PRC); a director of IRT Resources Technology Pty Ltd (at Sydney, NSW); a director of Sapien Capital Partners Limited (at Sydney, NSW); and a director of Triumph Capital International Pte. Ltd. (a funds management company in Singapore)

Chairman / SUMO Group

Surendra Pather

Surendra is Strategic Counsel for Emerging Funds Management Pty Ltd Suren has a particular focus on property funds. He is the founder of the SUMO Group of Companies and is very active in business development of property and business services projects in Australia and overseas. Suren has over 30 years of experience in the financial services industry. He was the chairman of SUMO SIV Pty Ltd, the responsible manager of two SUMO SIV-managed funds.
Over a career of more than 25 years as a financial adviser, Suren has managed and advised clients on a range of asset classes for projects exceeding A$5 billion. He previously established a full multi-disciplinary practice of lawyers, chartered accountants, and financial planners. Prior to this, he worked as a corporate tax consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers. Suren holds bachelor’s degrees in Law and a triple major in Economics (with Honours) from Sydney University. He is also a certified financial planner and is a Fellow of the Financial Planning Association of Australia (FPA). He has served as an independent board member of numerous entities including Asteron Life and the Australian Society of Anaesthetists. His involvement with the Financial Planning Association of Australia includes Chairman of CFP 4 Education Program and Examiner for the CFP Program.

Associate Director of Emerging Funds Management Pty Ltd

Liminka Pather

Liminka Pather is an Associate director of Emerging Funds Management Pty Ltd. She assisted the Vedanta Academy in Pune, India with capital raising for the completion of their building projects. After working in Sydney as a paralegal while studying law, she completed her bachelor’s degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from the Australian National University (ANU). Liminka has undertaken her Real Estate Certificate to further develop her skills in property development, while at the same time assisting start-up businesses with capital recruitment.

EFM’s business analysis and information systems manager

Christoffer Bjerregaard

Christoffer Bjerregaard is EFM’s business analysis and information systems manager. Holder of a Master of Science degree in economics and management from Aarhus University, Denmark and a BSc in Social Sciences in business administration from Roskilde University, Denmark, Chris operates at the intersection of business analytics, data science and programming. He addresses diverse challenges via data analytics, process engineering and future focused technology. Chris is also a sub-authorized representative of EFM. Before relocating to Australia in 2022, he served as Business Controller at Amgros, Denmark. Amgros is a for-profit medical wholesaler owned by the Danish government. Amgros is tasked with procuring medicine and a selection of medical equipment for the Danish hospitals, leveraging national buying power to negotiate contracts with favourable pricing.

Management Consulting and Business Advisory

Chris Olver

Chris Olver has spent the last ten years working across Turn-around Advisory, Management Consulting and Business Advisory. He studied for his Bachelor of Business at the University of Notre Dame and has previously worked as a Partner for Ironbridge in Sydney. He has extensive experience in working with medium to large organisations with turnovers in excess of $100mm per annum, providing tailored strategies and solutions in complex and time sensitive situations which have allowed for businesses to recapitalise, avoid potential insolvency and flourish financially long term, delivering value to shareholders and individual owners.

Mogestri Pather

Mogestri practices as a clinical nutritionist with her focus being on integrated wellness.Modern medicine is more advanced than ever, it has graced us with a longer lifespan. Mogestri's goal is to match this lifespan with an equally long health span so we can reduce this process called inflammaging that is robbing us of leading a qualitative life. Mogestri's practise is based on optimising the essential functions of the body to create balance and wellbeing involving every system in the body - the immune system, our gut microbiome, our hormones, our energy system, our detoxification system, our neurological system, our skeletal system and muscles and most importantly, our nutritional status. Her mantra is to treat the whole system not just the symptoms of disease, by investigating the drivers of ill health. Her passion is in utilising the knowledge provided by science and epigenetics to reveal our healthy self. Our genes are not our destiny; our environment and lifestyle are. By working for a high-quality pharmaceutical company like Ultra Nature and Selima, Mogestri feels she is able to combine her clinical knowledge and further her interest in the field of natural medicine in order to formulate a well-researched product range.Mogestri's qualifications include, Advanced Diploma Applied Science in Nutrition and a Bachelor of Health Science (Complementary Medicine). She is also an accredited Metascreen, Smart DNA Genomics, Smart DNA Gut Microbiome and Metabiome Practitioner.Mogestri's range of specialities include weight management, nutrition and diet advice, teenage health and wellbeing, anti-ageing, chronic illnesses, digestive imbalances, cardiovascular health, stress management, women's health, immune

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